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Cross-Browser Testing: Ensuring Consistency Across Platforms

  • April 23, 2024
  • 10 min read
Cross-Browser Testing: Ensuring Consistency Across Platforms

In today’s era, web developers and testers are supposed to rigorously test sites on mobile, alongside desktop browsers to satisfy the growing needs of a diverse audience. Now this is where cross-browser testing comes into play. Cross-browser testing guarantees a flawless user experience on multiple sorts of browsers and platforms. 

Every passing day mobile users are increasing, hence, it’s no longer sufficient to only concentrate on desktop compatibility. It is now a necessity to ensure consistency in layout, functionality, and performance regardless of the device or browser being used. 

Through the medium of this article, we’ll look into the significance of cross-browser testing. Plus we’ll also explore strategies to reach optimal compatibility and ultimately improve user satisfaction and engagement.

Techniques To Ensure Consistency Across Platforms With Cross-Browser Testing

It is very important to ensure that a website or web application functions correctly and looks consistent across different web browsers and platforms. Some key points to consider in this process are as follows:

Performance Testing

It consists of the evaluation of the speed, responsiveness, and overall efficiency of the websites or web applications across different browsers and devices. 

The browser’s performance depends totally on factors such as hardware capabilities, network conditions, and browser optimizations. It consists of measuring key performance metrics such as page load times, rendering speed, resource utilization, and responsiveness to user interactions.

By conducting performance testing across various browsers and devices, the team of testers and the developers can identify the potential risks, issues, or resource-intensive operations that may degrade the performance of the browsers. 

Testing on multiple sorts of browsers and devices helps developers and testers get the assurance that their website is performing well under diverse situations and servers, no matter what sort of device and browser preference their users have.  

It also helps to recognize opportunities for optimization and improvements such as reducing file sizes, optimizing code, leveraging browser-specific optimizations, or implementing caching mechanisms. The developers can reduce bounce rates, enhance user satisfaction, and improve overall website usability and accessibility with the optimization of performance across varied devices and browsers.


It involves using specialized software tools to execute test cases and compare actual outcomes with expected outcomes automatically. This approach is particularly beneficial for repetitive tasks, regression testing, and scenarios required to test across multiple browsers and platforms.

Tools like Cypress, and Selenium, offer libraries and frameworks designed to automate web browser interactions. These tools permit developers and testers to create scripts or test cases that carry user interactions with web applications, such as entering text, clicking buttons, and verifying page content.

Its key advantage is its capacity to run tests across multiple browsers and platforms sequentially or simultaneously. This guarantees comprehensive coverage and helps determine compatibility issues in the very early stage of development.

The teams of testers and developers can simplify the testing process by just automating the repetitive tasks. It aids in reducing manual effort and improves the efficiency and accuracy of their testing efforts. This allows them to focus on more complex testing scenarios and deliver high-quality software with confidence and speed.

Cloud Testing Services

Cloud testing services are a gateway to convenient and efficient testing of web applications across a wide range of devices and browsers. These services provide an entrance to a diverse selection of virtual machines and real devices hosted in the cloud. They also allow a team of testers and developers to execute cross-browser and cross-device testing without any requirement to set up and maintain their own testing infrastructure.

Cloud testing platforms like LambdaTest in particular offer a convenient and powerful solution for conducting comprehensive cross-browser and cross-device testing. 

LambdaTest enables its users to perform all sorts of manual and automated testing on more than 3,000+ browsers and operating system combinations. Users have options to choose from a variety of browsers, which include Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge, and Internet Explorer, across various versions and platforms.

One of the pivotal miracles of using the LambdaTest platform is its scalability. This means we are not supposed to invest in any large inventory of physical devices or virtual machines, because we can leverage LambdaTest’s cloud infrastructure for a vast array of browser and device combinations on-demand. 

The scalability of the platform also allows teams to test their web applications efficiently and cost-effectively, without worrying about any kind of hardware constraints.

Additionally, LambdaTest offers attributes such as screenshot testing, responsive testing, real-time testing, and automated testing integrations with some very popular frameworks like Cypress and Selenium. These features allow testers to validate the layout, functionality, and performance of their web applications on various kinds of browsers and devices with ease.

Furthermore, LambdaTest supplies collaboration tools that permit teams to collaborate in real-time, share test sessions, and generate detailed test reports, overall facilitating effective communication and association among team members.

Document Bugs And Workarounds

It is so essential during cross-browser testing to maintain consistent behavior across different platforms. During cross-browser testing, you may go through various issues such as inconsistencies, layout glitches, or functionality errors that are specific to certain browsers or versions.

To effectively manage such issues, it is very important to keep a detailed track record of each bug that comes across along with its reproduction steps and relevant browser information. Your track record documentation should include:

  • Bug Description: It clearly explains the observed behavior which deviates from the expected behavior. It includes screenshots or video recordings to explain the issue.
  • Browser Details: It specifies the browser name, version, and platform where the bug was observed. This information helps to identify the patterns and to determine the scope of the issue.
  • Reproduction Steps: It provides step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the bug consistently. It includes any specific user interactions, page elements, or conditions required to trigger the issue.
  • Expected Behaviour: It defines the expected behavior based on your application’s specifications or design mockups. It clearly explains how the application should behave under normal circumstances.
  • Workaround or Fix: It documents any temporary workarounds or potential fixes that reduce the impact of the bug. This involves CSS tweaks, JavaScript adjustments, or changes to the application logic which helps to address the issue.
  • Cross-Reference: This helps in identifying recurring patterns and prioritizing fixes accordingly. These are the links related to bugs or issues together to track dependencies or common themes across different browsers. 
  • Test Coverage: It helps in assessing the reliability of the bug report and validating the effectiveness of subsequent fixes by understanding the testing context. 

With the rigorous documentation of the bugs and their associated workarounds or fixes, you create a comprehensive knowledge base that helps in collaboration among developers, testers, and other stakeholders. This documentation serves as a valuable reference during future testing cycles. It ensures that the previously encountered issues are addressed proactively and consistently across different platforms.

Regular Testing

Initiate cross-browser testing as soon as basic functionality or design elements are implemented at the beginning of the development process. This early testing allows you to catch fundamental compatibility issues in the early stage and prevent them from being established within the codebase.

As the development progresses, continue the tests across multiple browsers and platforms regularly. Integrate the cross-browser testing into your automated testing suites to ensure comprehensive coverage across different environments. This approach enables you to detect and resolve compatibility issues incrementally and reduce the risk of accumulating technical debt.

Regular testing provides timely feedback on the compatibility of new features or changes. And empower your team to address any discrepancies confidently. 

Also by addressing the cross-browser testing into your continuous integration and continuous deployment, it facilitates the flawless integration of compatibility checks into your overall development workflow. This integration streamlines the testing process and helps to maintain consistency across different stages of the development and deployment.

Ultimately, by testing early and testing often, you can reduce the likelihood of compatibility issues derailing your project’s progress. Welcoming cross-browser testing as an integral component of your development workflow ensures that your web application or website delivers a consistent user experience across diverse browsing environments and enhances its reliability and usability.

User Feedback

Encouraging users to provide feedback on their experience with your website or application across different browsers is invaluable for identifying compatibility issues that may have run away from testing. By actively requesting user feedback, you tap into a diverse pool of real-world usage scenarios and browser configurations that may not have been covered in your testing protocols.

Execute the mechanisms like feedback forms, surveys, or support channels to collect user input regarding their browsing experience. Remind users to report any anomalies, glitches, or rendering inconsistencies they encounter while accessing your platform on various browsers and devices.

User feedback always serves as a complementary layer of quality assurance. It provides insights into how your application performs in the wild. Users may encounter issues specific to their individual setups, such as browser extensions, plugins, or outdated software versions, which can highlight areas for improvement that traditional testing methods may overlook. 

Also, user-reported issues often reflect real-world usage patterns and user expectations. It guides your development priorities toward addressing the most impactful compatibility concerns. Prioritise user-reported bugs alongside internally identified issues to ensure a comprehensive approach to resolving compatibility issues.

Also, encouraging a responsive and transparent feedback loop with users cultivates trust and demonstrates your commitment to delivering a flawless user experience across different browsing environments. Acknowledge and address user-reported issues promptly. Provide updates on the resolution process and request further feedback as needed.

Stay Updated

It is very important to ensure that your website remains compatible with the latest browser versions to stay updated on browser updates and changes in web standards. It is achieved by regularly monitoring developer blogs, browser release notes, and industry news sources. 

Browser updates include information about security enhancements, improvements in performance, and support for emerging web technologies. By staying aware and informed about these updates, you can grasp new features and optimize your website for the latest browser capabilities. This ultimately helps with the enhancement of user experience and supports in maintaining competitiveness in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

You should also keep track of changes in web standards and specifications to maintain cross-browser compatibility. 

The standards bodies like the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) regularly publish updates to CSS, HTML, and JavaScript specifications. It helps to shape the future of web development. Familiarising yourself with these standards ensures that your website will follow the best practices and remain interoperable across different browsers and platforms.

Browser compatibility tables and documentation are provided by the browser vendors and web development communities. It offers valuable resources for assessing the level of support for specific features across different browser versions. These resources highlight potential compatibility issues and help users make informed decisions when implementing new features or technologies in the website or application. 


In today’s world, cross-browser testing has become an essential practice for all those web developers and designers who are trying to deliver a consistent user experience across multiple platforms. 

By including comprehensive testing methodologies and assessing an array of tools and techniques, the team of developers and testers can minimize compatibility issues. And they can also ensure that their websites function optimally across multiple browsers and devices. 

With the unwinding nature of web technologies and the multifarious preferences of users, prioritizing cross-browser testing is crucial to maintaining accessibility, credibility, and user satisfaction in an increasingly connected world. 

Welcome the challenge with open arms, refine your approach, and let cross-browser testing be the cornerstone of your commitment to excellency in web development.

About Author

Alyona Jain