
Unique Aspects of IASTM Everyone Should Be Aware Of

  • August 20, 2024
  • 3 min read
Unique Aspects of IASTM Everyone Should Be Aware Of

IASTM, or Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, is a competent and effective myofascial intervention that is utilized for a patient’s soft-tissue treatment. This process is carried out using instruments that are created from stainless steel. They have beveled edges as well as contours that conform to various anatomical locations of a person’s body. This is done to detect and treat soft tissue issues. If you want a definite description of IASTM, you would know that it is a skilled intervention that comprises the usage of some specialized tools that manipulate the muscles, tendons, myofascial, and skin by different direct compressive stroke processes.

The practical application of IASTM

You can’t carry out IASTM alone, as you ought to combine it with a strengthening program and motion to improve your tissue remodeling process.

This process goes through six major steps:

  • Testing.
  • Patients go through a warm-up session for ten to fifteen minutes with an elliptical machine, light jogging, upper body ergometer, or a stationary bike.
  • IASTM is accomplished at 30 to 60 degrees angle, and it continues for forty to one hundred and twenty seconds.
  • Patients also do stretching, that is, three reps for thirty seconds.
  • They also go through strengthening.
  • Lastly, they undergo cryotherapy for ten to twenty minutes.

To get top IASTM physical therapy in Utah, your best site would be P1athlete, as experts carry out the process here. They make it a point to disinfect the instrument to avoid the transfer of infections from one patient to another. Therapists use an intermediate-level disinfectant to disinfect the instrument, and for this purpose, they use isopropyl alcohol. After this, they use soap and water to wash it and make it residual-free. If they find the tool to be contacting with bodily fluids, blood, non-intact skin, or mucous membranes, then they disinfect it with a superior-grade disinfectant.

The process of IASTM

The instruments used to carry out the process of IASTM split scar tissue and fascial restrictions. These instruments have ergonomic designs that provide a clinician with the capability to locate restrictions. Thus, they can treat the injured part with an ideal amount of pressure. Controlled microtrauma is used to affect soft tissue structure, and it encourages local inflammatory response. The job of microtrauma is to initiate the reabsorption of excessive scar tissue or unsuitable fibrosis. Additionally, it also facilitates many healing activities that result in the remodeling of an affected soft tissue structure.

Clinical benefits

According to studies, IASTM provides several clinical benefits to patients in terms of strength and perception of pain that follow treatment. IASTM improves the motion of football players when they undergo IASTM, as well as physical therapy for seven weeks. They found that the scar tissue that surrounded their lateral malleolus lessened, and they also remodeled structurally after the application of IASTM. 

Benefits that therapists derive

When clinicians undergo IASTM, they derive lots of mechanical benefits. This process enhances the vibratory perception of the hand of physical therapists who hold the instrument. Again, it also gives rise to altered soft tissue features like tissue restrictions. Hence, therapists can find every soft tissue irregularity easily and efficiently in a brief period. 

About Author

Alyona Jain